Demonstration of
American Elite Logo

Demonstration of

American Elite Logo

TechArt Digital is the go-to partner for numerous global enterprises, SMEs, and tech innovators to maximize their business value. 


Your company’s logo is the representation of your company and everything that it stands for. It tells the world how serious of a company it is, and how the company can be relied on. So, you can’t take its importance for granted. There are people that make you a logo for less than $50.00. Usually, that is what you get. A logo that will make your company look like you spent $50.00 on your logo. We wanted you to see the difference between a logo that takes a couple of hours to make and others that take several times that. So, as you can imagine, people also can tell the difference between a $50 logo and a custom logo. When you put these logos on your site, others can tell if you are serious about your business and you purchased a $15000.00 custom logo for your company or you don’t care and paid 50 bucks. The choice is yours. 

This is a simple ink on paper custom Made logo

This is customized metalic on paper logo

This is customized metalic on metalic logo

This is customized embroidery and metalic on fabric logo

This is customized raised metalic on fabric logo

This is customized 100% raised metal logo

This is customized metalic & embroidery framed logo

This is customized metalic & embroidery logo with different frame

We can create a completly differnet brand by adding luxury to elite!

All we did here was we turned the white lettering into gold color, but as you can see it makes a world of difference in the brand. Now it is luxurious and regal.

This is a simple ink on paper custom Made logo

This is customized metalic on metal logo

This is customized metalic on metalic logo

This is customized embroidery and metalic on fabric logo

This is customized metalic & embroidery framed logo

This is customized metalic & embroidery logo with different frame

This is customized raised metalic on fabric logo

This is customized metalic & embroidery logo with different frame

Blow you will see how we took luxury and turned it into royal!

The work we did here was simply genius. First we selected the most attractive portions of all the eight variations of the previous logos, and then we added real gold metal to it. After that, we added the royal frame and crown which we actually created as a completely custom made frame for this logo. We then found the real red jewel in a crown online, which we took along with that round piece of the crown, and the jewel itself and placed it in the center of the crown and then, we turned the red jewel blue and green to bring in the colors of the logo into the crown. This logo, is a transformation 1000,000,000% higher in caliber of luxury and beauty and detailed work than the original. The original was basic and simple, the ones in the middle each had a different feel to them and each had a different purpose, from simple, to rugged, to industrial, to luxury, to regal and to ROYAL. We can decide what our company’s brand will stand for, where in the market we are and what we represent; what the public thinks of us by seeing our logo and reading our slogan; the colors we pick and all the graphics and designs together portray an image. What is it that you want to portray to the world about your business?

This is a ornamental custom made logo

This is customized metalic crown logo